No doubt many of you are wondering if Camp Cherith is still operational and if we are planning on having camp this summer in light of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Be reassured that at this time we plan to be open!
What will Summer Camp 2022 look like?
We missed everyone in 2021 and we are committed to making 2022 the BEST SUMMER EVER! We are proactively exploring all possible options to make camp as safe as possible. Some options will be to operate in cohorts to limit camper contact and/or to dedicate specific buildings for specific programs. We have a local doctor available to answer any medical questions and provide same-day appointments if necessary. In case of emergencies, we are a short 15-minute drive to the nearest hospital. Each summer we have one full-time healthcare staff at camp. In addition, we have a fully stocked health center and a quarantine room to use if needed. We will be following or exceeding all of the recommendations outlined by our local health unit.
What precautions will be taken to ensure camper safety?
We are looking at operating Summer Camp at a reduced capacity to increase social distancing. We will be developing new routines to increase handwashing and facility sanitation, as well as implementing a Covid screening process as part of our check-in procedure with temperature checks and travel inquiries prior to each camper’s arrival. We will be reviewing all of our summer cleaning and sanitation procedures to increase the frequency that high-contact areas are sanitized. We will use sanitizer before every meal and at every activity. We will continue to work with our local health unit as the summer gets closer to make the best possible plan for the safety of all our campers and staff.
What if I register now but choose to cancel later on?
If you have currently registered your child(ren) and would like to cancel your registration, our regular cancellation policy is still in effect and we will refund your camp fees less a $100 administrative charge. If we are not able to operate camp as a result of COVID-19 and government restrictions, your fees will be fully refunded. We hope that this will buy you time to consider how you want to spend your summer, knowing that all your money will be returned to you if we are in fact mandated to close for the summer.
There are many fixed costs which apply to camp, regardless of whether campers attend our programs or not. If you choose not to attend Cherith this summer, we completely understand. We also humbly ask that you consider one of the following options: (1) Leaving a part of your camp fees with us as a taxable donation, or (2) Leave your fee on deposit for the summer of 2022. This will help us face the current instability knowing that we will continue to be able to provide Christ-centred camping to as many campers as possible.
While we are planning and hiring in anticipation of a great 2022 summer – we also recognize that we may need to adapt or change our plans in light of COVID-19. We are very thankful to God and our supporters during this difficult time. We have never been more excited to make 2022 the BEST SUMMER EVER!