until first session

Don’t Miss the First Day
of Summer Camp!

welcome to our

Hello Summer Camp

Watch our Video!

virtual camping tour

Since 1954 Camp Cherith’s rich and diverse outdoor activities have helped campers aged 6 – 16 gain self confidence, develop leadership skills and grow socially and spiritually. Our Christian environment is an intentional integration of faith and activity as seen in this video below.

our benefits

why choose us

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Diversity abounds

Natural all the way


Experienced and trustworthy

our benefits

why choose us

Choosing a summer camp is an important decision. To assist you with that decision here is a brief summary of the features and benefits of the Cherith camping experience.

  • Accredited member; Ontario Camps Association, CCI Canada, Red Cross, and the Canadian Council of Christian Charities
  • Established in 1954 in the beautiful Grey/Bruce area
  • Trained, enthusiastic staff serve as positive role models
  • Clean, well maintained site and facilities
  • Safe structured environment
  • Comfortable cabin accommodations
  • Intentionally small for maximum attention – 90 campers / week
  • Positive environment of encouragement and acceptance
  • Environmentally sensitive
  • Intentional balance of recreational and skill based activities to encourage a healthy active lifestyle
  • Inter-denominational, evangelical Bible based camp
summer 2018

Rates & Dates


Junior Camp

May 26 – June 18, 2018
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More Info

Main Camp

June 26 – July 27, 2018
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August Camp

August 05 – August 30, 2018
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More Info

What People Say

Both my kids still talk about the small group devotions in the mornings with cabins. It makes my heart happy that they had so much time in God’s word and that it was made so enjoyable.

A Mom says…

All 4 of my kids have enjoyed playing, learning, praying and growing at Camp Cherith over the past 11 years. Now with only one camper left, I have 2 starting to give back for all the wonderful memories!

Parent’s Testimony

I wanted to take a moment to give a huge thank you to the staff who put on a fantastic weekend. If Andrew and I counted right it was our 5th year of coming and even though he is 12 and getting older he still really enjoys it. I am very thankful there are other men and boys from our church who can participate each year.

Huge Thank You to the Staff

Our son had a great time. Thank you! When we picked him up he couldn’t stop talking about going back next year. What we love about Camp Cherith is how the kids are kept active and build their self esteem by trying and succeeding at new activities.

Parent Testimonial

I learned that it’s extremely important to thoroughly analyze all that we read & study in the Bible so that our knowledge of the Bible, and of the Lord and His plan for us, is more easily and better understood. I’ve come to have a better appreciation for God’s word.

CILT Testimonial

I want to thank you for the awesome week that our children had this summer. Your camp outshines all others. Our son was so proud of the achievement he made in Archery that we are going to pursue that for him in hopes that this will continue to build his self-confidence.

Parent’s Testimonial

I loved the camp overall!! I met a lot of people and had a lot of fun during the whole week in the camp, especially the mountain biking session. I enjoyed all the activities provided by the camp and I’m looking forward to attending this camp in the upcoming years.

Cherith Camper, Abel

At camp, Chloe learned how to ride a horse among many other activities. The things she was once afraid to do, she can now overcome and she knows that nothing can stop her. Camp empowered Chloe and John to look beyond what they thought was possible. You made it possible for them to dream bigger dreams.

Nancy Ciolli (a Parent)

from the blog

Exciting News

Shout Outs to the Staff & Volunteers
Shout Outs to the Staff & Volunteers
Puns: Puns has strength, conviction, and leadership skills. I would follow Puns because he follows the L_RD. Soda Pop: Youthful faithfulness. Willing to serve and learn ...
Camp Cherith Open Summer 2022!
Camp Cherith Open Summer 2022!
No doubt many of you are wondering if Camp Cherith is still operational and if we are planning on having camp this summer in light of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Be ...